"Let's go have some #coffee" - this phrase can be a way to increase productivity at work, not just a nice chat with a colleague. The experts came to this conclusion after discussing the results of an ISIC (Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee) study on the real reasons people drink coffee at work.
It turns out that a cup of coffee at work isn't just a way to cheer up. For an employer, it can even serve as an indicator of employee productivity.
ISIC survey: 67% of people drink coffee at work
8,239 adults from six European countries were interviewed for the study: Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. It turned out that 67% of the respondents always or often drank coffee during a normal workday.
Participants were asked why they drink coffee at work. The majority said they liked the taste of coffee (56%). He also stated that most of them drink coffee to take a break from work (40%) and to cheer up (29%).
People drink coffee at work to enjoy, relax and cheer up.
Before the workday begins, people drink coffee not for the taste, but to wake up and get into the rhythm of work – 56% of respondents responded in this way.
They do not drink coffee, especially because of their personal tastes (preferring other drinks) and lack of time. Only 7% of respondents believe that coffee is harmful to them.
Coffee breaks make us more productive
According to most respondents (63%), small breaks from work increase productivity. In terms of its effect on performance, coffee (43%) takes the second place. Often they combine both of these methods: they take a break and drink coffee at the same time.
It is important not only to pour yourself a coffee and return to the computer with a mug, but also to go to a separate room, talk with colleagues, in order to completely escape from routine tasks. Communication with other employees during breaks helps relieve tension and improves the work environment. It is easier to discuss complex issues, and in a relaxed atmosphere, people cope better with solving business problems.
Connecting with colleagues during coffee breaks increases productivity and improves the work environment.
The absence of breaks negatively affects productivity. People who don't have enough time to take a coffee break don't seem to do their best work. They cannot independently organize their workload and take time to rest. According to Robert Karasek's Stress Management System, the combination of very high demands in the workplace with little freedom to make decisions leads to persistent stress that negatively impacts the health and well-being of employees. Cardiovascular disease and depression may develop. As a result, a person either does not go to work or simply comes to sit, with minimal effort.
Those who work in health and well-being are more productive: they are more motivated and more involved in their roles and responsibilities. The research found that this was confirmed: respondents from the UK were more likely to say they didn't have time for a break than those from Finland. However, the Finns are ahead of the British in efficiency.
Regular coffee consumption helps the elderly maintain their full mental capacity longer.
According to many studies, coffee reduces the risk of certain degenerative diseases, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and also prevents age-related cognitive decline.
Professor Rogers notes that improvements in mental performance are associated with older people who regularly drink coffee.
59% of the respondents to the ISIC survey said they drank the most coffee between 9:00 and 11:00, while 29% said they drank coffee between 15:00 and 17:00. This is due to the desire to cheer up in the morning and concentrate in the afternoon.
The invigorating effect of caffeine is explained as follows: There are adenosine receptors in the human brain. The adenosine compound binds to adenosine receptors and causes a reduction in excitatory neurotransmitters such as dopamine that cause the feeling of "fatigue." Caffeine is similar in structure to adenosine and increases the sense of alertness by binding to receptors instead of adenosine.
Caffeine consumption decreases in the afternoon: people avoid coffee for fear that it will make them sleepy.
For some people, caffeine causes sleep problems, while for others it does not. These differences depend on the person's age and body weight, but for some they can be explained by genetic predisposition. Several genes have been identified that affect caffeine sensitivity.
If you drink coffee regularly, it will increase your productivity throughout the day and will not affect your sleep quality. However, it is not recommended to drink coffee 2-4 hours before bedtime.
The same amount of caffeine in a drink can have different effects on two people of the same weight and age.
For coffee lovers, coffee practically does not affect the quality of sleep, and for infrequent drinkers there may be problems falling asleep.
The same is true of what coffee can cause.It can also be said for the drink - those who don't or rarely drink it are more likely to survive than regular drinkers.
Caffeine acts quite quickly: its effect can be measured from about 10 minutes to 2-4 hours after consumption, depending on the amount. A standard cup of coffee contains about 75-100 mg of caffeine, which has a beneficial effect on alertness.
If your office doesn't have a coffee maker, there's reason to consider purchasing one. In this simple way, you can create a more comfortable working environment and increase employee productivity.
If there is a coffee machine, do not rush to pour a drink into a glass and run to the computer. Chatting with a colleague during a break is not a fad and a waste of time, it is a way to improve well-being, avoid stress and be more efficient at solving problems.
Drinking a cup of coffee is a surefire way to cheer up and concentrate. Unless you have a genetic predisposition, it does not affect sleep.