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What is Coffee Acidity?

Coffee acidity is the shimmer that brightens the flavor of coffee. Acidity is literally the name given to the aroma attributed to the coffee in the coffee bean. The pH of the acid, which is not harmful to health, should be lower than seven. When an acid is tasted, it sends a signal to the brain via neurons and is identified by the sense of taste.

The roasting process changes the acidity rate in coffee. In the roasting process, the acids in the coffee bean react with heat. This causes the concentrations of some acids to change. The varying concentrations give coffee its distinctive properties.

Acid types in coffee can be grouped under many headings.

Phosphoric acid: It is sweeter than other acids.

Citric acid: The acid found in Arabica coffees. It is found in coffees placed at higher levels.

Quinic acid: It has undergone a high roasting process. It is found in coffees that have been kept on a hot layer.

Acedic Acid: It is reminiscent of vinegar acid in taste. Sharpness at low concentration

wins. It is aromaless.

Tartaric acid: It has a high concentration of sour taste.

Malic acid: Gives coffee an apple or pear flavor.


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