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The Right Times for Coffee

"Coffee should only be drunk in the morning!" We've all heard the phrases like "Drinking coffee in the evening causes insomnia". So when to drink coffee? Are there really better times to drink this extraordinary beverage? We all know that coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and when we need an energy boost, it is the first thing that comes to mind. But why is this happening? Why do we immediately feel better when we are tired and have a #coffee?

Is this just a suggestion and one of many placebo effects or does it have a scientific basis?

The recharging effect of coffee is mainly due to its caffeine content, a substance with stimulating and energizing properties that gives the body a cortisol-like sprint with the ability to stimulate an increase in the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline.

American neuroscientist Steven Miller conducted a study to find definitive answers to this question.

So when is it preferable to drink coffee?

Coffee lovers answer that it's no doubt right to enjoy a steaming cup of espresso any time of the day, but what does the science say?

According to Miller, the timing of drinking coffee is very important because taking it at the wrong time can promote the development of addiction, which in the long run means that the body needs more caffeine to be able to drink coffee. see the beneficial effects of this substance. For the same reason, choosing when to take #caffeine will also protect us from developing addiction.

In addition, according to this research, drinking coffee as soon as we wake up may not have the desired effect, especially if we wake up before 9 am, because between 8 and 9 am, our body already produces high levels of cortisol and the two effects do not match each other, on the contrary, it predisposes us to the development of addiction. On the contrary, between 9.30 and 11.30, cortisol levels start to drop physiologically, and drinking coffee at this point gives us the best benefits. So the morning coffee break is truly a panacea, and if we don't have it, it's a habit we must learn to incorporate into our daily routine. It seems that drinking coffee during this timeframe greatly enhances the energizing effects of caffeine, which has managed to keep attention levels high for up to 5 hours.

The other physiological peak of cortisol is around 13.30/14 pm, so even drinking coffee right after lunch is not a good habit according to Miller, it is the desire to spend the afternoon full of energy and have a cup of coffee around 3pm. It should be known that a cup of coffee, especially after a large meal, stimulates the digestive processes, so it may not make us more alert, but it will definitely help us digest better.

Since caffeine has a stimulating effect, it would be best to take the last coffee of the day until 16.30 / 17 in order to completely remove this substance before going to sleep. In fact, consuming it in the evening when caffeine taken during the day is still circulating can affect quality sleep. However, if we really cannot give up coffee after dinner, it is better to opt for decaffeinated coffee so as not to risk sleep disturbance.


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