Minimum caffeine and maximum fruity notes: Excelsa coffee
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Minimum caffeine and maximum fruity notes: Excelsa coffee

Have you heard of the Excelsa coffee variety?

interesting what is excelsa?

Since 2006, this variety has been officially recognized as a variety alternative to #liberica. But the point in classification is not yet done: experts continue to argue about #excelsa's place in the coffee world, and they are finding many genetic differences between this tree and its fruits from others.

Excelsa beans have an unusual aroma - intense, but more fruity than regular coffee. The flavor is mild and not as bitter as Liberica. But the most interesting thing is that excelsa is low in caffeine and some varieties do not require additional decaffeination. Caffeine content of 100 grams of product ranges from 0.86 to 1.13 g For comparison: Caffeine content in #Arabica 1.2–1.5 g and in #Robusta - up to 3 g Values ​​are average and may vary depending on variety .

Excelsa is less soluble than Arabica, so the beans are roasted at higher temperatures or longer to enhance their flavor. Experts working with Excelsa recommend medium roast if you want fruity and fruity notes, and dark roast if you like chocolate and cream notes.

Excelsa is also a great tool for creating special and unique coffee blends. But it's also one of the most expensive varieties in the world. It's all about productivity: excelsa trees produce irregular, uneven fruit, and when the fruit ripens, they become an invaluable raw material. Excelsa does not have a standard price in the world market and the cost of each lot is estimated separately.

Why is excelsa called "high coffee"?

Coffee trees excelsa reach 20-25 meters - hence the name "high coffee". Plantations are mainly found in Central Africa and Asia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Kenya, and Venezuela.

The first high coffee was discovered on the shores of Lake Chad in Africa in 1903, but this variety still covers only 1-2% of the world's coffee plantation area.

Excelsa from Vietnam

Excelsa is considered not of very good quality in Vietnam. Local growers harvest the coffee by peeling it, that is, they collect fruits of varying degrees of maturity at the same time. The reasons are not clear, because as a result, excelsa sells at low prices, while other countries sell this type of coffee much more.

Excelsa from Philippines

Here excelsa survived thanks to the intervention of the state. Many coffee trees grew in the Philippines at the beginning of the 20th century, but later farmers realized that growing corn was easier and more profitable. Authorities persuaded landlords to plant their garden crops and tobacco among excelsa trees instead of uprooting fields of a rare type of coffee.

Filipinos harvest excelsa using the picking method, that is, they collect only the ripe fruit and process it in a wet way. Therefore, the local variety is highly valued in the world market.

Excelsa from Indonesia

Arabica and Robusta do not grow in the peaty soils of Sumatra, but excelsa feels great there. In Indonesia, this type of coffee is grown organically and is often processed using wet or "honey" methods, giving it a rich flavor. Often the grains are also subjected to the wet state (a special processing method) - and then the drink has an earthy taste.

What is Excelsa combined with and how is it recognized in a mix?

If you brew Excelsa, you will get a slightly tart and flavored drink consisting of fruit, chocolate and nuts. Therefore, experts say that ordinary people will not be able to try this type of coffee in its purest form.

For orthodox coffee connoisseurs, the aroma of Excelsa may seem too assertive, too fruity and even reminiscent of a perfume scent. If the coffee beans make up 25-50% of the excelsa in the mixture, you will hardly feel the coffee smell - the fruity aroma will kill everything. 20% of this coffee variety is sufficient to give the beverage special flavor and aroma tones.

The combination of Excelsa and Arabica is soft. And if you like strong coffee, choose a mixture of Arabica, excelsa and robusta - this mixture can be mixed with spices, suitable for making espresso, brewed in a coffee pot or a Franch press.

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