In recent years, the coffee plant has become a very popular houseplant. Mainly because it has beautiful and wide leaves, but also because it grows coffee beans that you can process yourself. And the latter is of course very interesting, especially for true coffee lovers.
It is important that you know how to care for the coffee plant. That way you can enjoy it for the longest time. In this article, we will provide you with detailed information about coffee plant care.
The coffee plant: What type of plant is it and where does it come from?
The official name of the coffee plant is Coffea Arabica. It is a plant of Ethiopian origin. Then why is there 'Arabica' in the name? Shortly after its origin, the plant was transferred to Arabia. It can no longer be found there (because: there is no tropical climate), but the name has always remained the same.
The plant is available in different sizes. If you have a larger space, it can eventually reach 1 to 2 meters in height. This means that the life of the plant is about 20 years in total. The minimum length is 20 centimeters. In addition, it is a plant that grows upright, has a flowering period between April and May and has a strong smell.
Coffee beans of the coffee plant
The name already gives it away, but the #coffee plant can grow coffee beans. The coffee plant requires several years of good care and a good place in the living room. Moreover, you need to spend a lot of time and patience to finally make coffee with these beans by yourself. After collecting the coffee beans, you have to roast them yourself. It's not easy, but it's beautiful!
Care of the coffee plant
Taking care of the coffee plant is not that difficult. You just need to know how best to approach it.
How much water should I give the coffee plant?
The coffee plant does not need a lot of water. It is sufficient to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. Fix the irrigation dose: The plant likes a small amount of water several times a week, rather than being exposed to a large splash of water all at once. Remember to keep the leaves moist, too. Spray some water, preferably every other day. This keeps the leaves nice and shiny.
How often should the coffee plant be fed?
The coffee plant loves phytonutrients, but only in summer. In fact, it shouldn't have any in winter. The plant then goes into a resting position and cannot absorb all these extra nutrients. It's a good idea to feed the plant once a month in the summer with a high quality plant food. Also, pay attention to the correct dosage. Too much feeding can be harmful to the plant.
Where is the best place to put the plant?
The shade is not for the coffee plant. It needs a lot of light to bloom and grow well. But be careful not to leave it behind glass in full sun: its leaves can burn. Place the plant about 2 to 3 feet away from the window in summer and directly in front of it in winter. With plenty of light, plenty of fresh leaves can be produced.
When should the pot of the coffee plant be changed?
If your coffee plant continues to grow well, after about 2 years it will be too big for its pot. Then it is time to transplant the plant into a pot that is at least 20% larger. Preferably this should be done in the spring. It's fine to use regular potting soil when transplanting the plant into its new pot.
Why are the leaves of the Coffee Plant colorless?
Taking care of your coffee plant is very important. If you do not take good care of the plant, the plant may cure. For example, leaves may turn yellow or brown. What does it mean when leaves turn brown? It means that the air in your room is dry. In this case, you can move your coffee plant to a room with more humid air. If only the leaf margins turn brown, you probably have structurally overwatered the plant. And if the leaves have turned yellow, there's a good chance they've been exposed to too much light.
Is it necessary to prune the coffee plant?
Think your coffee plant is getting too tall? If you think so, you can perform pruning. Always make sure to 'seal' the cut with wax. The cut stem of this plant is very susceptible to fungal infections and bacteria. You can also prune the leaves and stems. The best time to cut the stem is spring or summer, and the best time to prune the