Foods That Don't Go Well With Coffee
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Foods That Don't Go Well With Coffee

Everyone has different tastes, but not many people like to drink lentil soup with a cup of coffee.

What foods lose their beneficial properties due to coffee?

A number of scientific studies show that drinking coffee during or right after a meal slows the body's ability to absorb certain minerals and trace elements. Especially:

Calcium; Caffeine can inhibit calcium absorption and increase calcium excretion. These effects are relatively minor for most people, as each cup of coffee causes a healthy person to "lose" only 2 to 3 mg of calcium. However, for people who have problems in this area, it is better to drink coffee separately from calcium-containing meals (milk, cottage cheese, almonds, etc.).

Zinc; Coffee contains tannins that can cause us to stop absorbing zinc completely. This becomes especially noticeable for those with heart problems. Therefore, for those who control their zinc levels, it is best to separate their coffee intake from sources of zinc.

Protein; It is found in our diet in two forms: heme and non-heme. While we can easily absorb heme from animal foods, plant foods only contain non-heme, which is far worse. That's why vegans and vegetarians have a harder time. And they should strictly separate the intake of coffee and iron-containing products, because tannins in this case also “break down” everything. For this reason, peas, nuts, lentils, chickpeas and soy products are best eaten separately from coffee.

Vitamin D; A study published in 2017 found that those who drink more coffee tend to have lower levels of this vitamin. The study isn't 100% proof that caffeine always reduces vitamin D, but it's a sign that it's better to avoid coffee if oily fish, eggs or beef liver is on the table.

Let's repeat the first part, shall we? If you want to enjoy your favorite beverage but are worried about nutritional deficiencies, it's worth waiting at least an hour after a meal.

When the taste of coffee is spoiled by the products

We consulted many experts and baristas, including experts in the field, to understand whether there are products that may adversely affect the taste and effect of coffee. As a result of this research, it was revealed that the number one enemy of coffee is spices. Yes, we know that they can be successfully added to Turkish Coffee, but that is a completely different matter. There we use a very limited amount of a substance that emphasizes and complements the taste of the drink. But if you eat a serving of spicy and spicy food before a cup of espresso, the flavor of the coffee is likely to look smudged and bland after that. No doubt – chili foods, garlic, or cayenne pepper can greatly desensitize the taste buds in our mouth.

Dairy products ranked third in terms of incompatibility. Despite the many recipes for coffee with milk and cream, this way of drinking coffee is not for everyone:

First, coffee lovers agree that fat-containing additives "hide" the nuances of coffee's flavor and aroma. Yes, cappuccino is as popular as a rack or latte. But it's not about coffee in its purest form, it's about coffee cocktails.

Secondly, the combination of "coffee + dairy" has an unpredictable effect on the digestive system of different people. For some, the addition of milk helps to reduce the negative effects of caffeine on the stomach (for example, with gastritis), while for others, the same recipe causes intestinal discomfort. Here you need to know exactly your individual characteristics.

It looks like it's time to admit it: Coffee is a great product that leaves ample room for experimentation. As for its compatibility with other components, you should be guided mainly by your tastes and preferences. And here even a cup of espresso with lentil soup can come in handy if it brings joy. The main thing is that the lentil soup is served without garlic, and the duet with coffee does not cause indigestion!

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