There are 1,081 coffee-related records in the famous Guinness World Records.
We have compiled the most interesting ones for you. The biggest coffee cup, the biggest coffee batch and the most brewed coffee in an hour...
The world's largest coffee mug was installed in Bolivar Park in Chinchin, Colombia (Caldas municipality) in June 2019. Work on its construction took more than a month. The cup contained 22.7 thousand liters of coffee. The previous "record holder" installed at the Mandalay Bay venue in Las Vegas contained 7,600 liters of coffee. Italian baristas Gianni Cocco and Danilo Torres made the most espresso in an hour. They brewed 623 cups at the Rho Fair in Milan.
Australian barista Lisa Thomas is still cooler: she managed to whip up just 420 servings of cappuccino in an hour, but she didn't do it at the exhibit, but at the opening of a cafe for Social Café military personnel. In Brisbane, he communicates with visitors and colleagues along the way (the prepared cappuccino was immediately tested by guests who ran for a “cup of coffee”).
Russia is also on the list of coffee records. The most coffee drinking took place in the same 2019 in Moscow on City Day. The collective event was organized by the company Paulig Group, which presented to the public a new blend of Paulig Café Moscow from the City Line line. 2133 people attended the coffee tasting , who drank more than 300 liters of freshly brewed coffee .
Although Kopi Luwak is considered the most outstanding coffee in the world, there are many varieties that are no less expensive, the price of which reaches $ 1,000 per kilogram. In 2017, the most expensive coffee in capsules was recognized as a premium product produced by Medano Coffee Pte Ltd. A set of only 5 coffee capsules cost SGD 388 ($273). The blend consists of top-quality coffee and 22-carat gold powder (manufacturers claim that it significantly enriches the taste of the drink).
There is good news for Turkish coffee lovers. In 2018, the world's largest coffee pot with a coffee capacity of 2481 liters was made in Istanbul. Surprisingly, the huge size (184 cm high) did not prevent the masters from brewing coffee in it. Drinks were distributed to the visitors of the International Marmara Forum fair.
And finally, about art. Albanian artist Samir Strati has created the largest coffee bean mosaic featuring five musicians from around the world. In total, more than a million grains were involved in the study. And the largest coffee painting with an area of 158.37 square meters was painted in Greece in January 2020 by Cypriot artist Alex Dzagigyan. At least it's beautiful, isn't it?