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Coffee Maragogy

The Maragogip variety can be called a true high mountain Arabica. For comparison, grains are grown at altitudes of up to 700 meters above sea level, and the Bayan region of Brazil, where the variety was first cultivated, rises only 30 meters. The rich chocolate taste is not familiar to many, because coffee Maragogype cannot be called the most common in the world. However, those who try this variety become a kind of fan of it.

first experience

#Brazilian growers near the city of the same name have decided to plant #coffee trees to develop a plant that will take root in the arid regions of Para state. As a result, not all varieties survived. By the simultaneous cross-pollination of several species best suited to this climate, a completely new tree was obtained, whose fruits completely surprise and delight the growers.

They were large fleshy coffee beans with a smooth smooth body. They got the name "elephant grain" because of their appearance. And the name Maragogyp was given to the variety in honor of the city with the fields next to it. Thus, an incredible type of cereal was discovered, which to this day delights the most sophisticated gourmets with its unusual and persistent taste.

Distribution and differences

Later, the variety began to be cultivated not only in South America, but also elsewhere. Today Maragogype is known from:





The largest grains are grown in Nicaragua. Perhaps this is facilitated by the number of moderately humid months. Maragogype growing areas have little or no extreme heat or heavy rainfall. The drink made from these grains is especially sour, even viscous. The coffee is thick, rich and aromatic. It opens notes of fruit, chocolate, hazelnut, combining perfectly with the classic sourness of Arabica. Even in a latte or cappuccino, the rich aroma of Nicaraguan Maragogype is well recognized.

However, the best in terms of culinary qualities is consideredMaragogype in Guatemala. This coffee has a delightfully balanced flavor with subtle notes of hazelnut and chocolate. Grains are the smoothest.

Perhaps the easiest type of coffee among all Maragogype varieties after brewing can be considered Colombian and Mexican. The drink is delicate in texture, but at the same time leaves a rather rich and long aftertaste.

Unusual Feature

#Maragogype is known to be nearly impossible to stop. That is, it is extremely difficult to achieve a certain persistent drink taste from different types of grains, but from the same type. Over time, after the active cultivation of Maragogype began, breeders noticed a characteristic feature. Coffee trees absorb the atmosphere around them well. That is, those near the roads or not far from residences bore absolutely unpleasant fruits. The drink from them turned out to be rather cloudy and with an earthy taste, without the appropriate aroma.

Therefore, later it was decided to plant Maragogype in the most remote areas where maximum ecological cleaning of the area is possible. Thus, the variety "rised" into the mountains. Grains grown in distant fields are the most valuable. They have an excellent aroma, rich taste and bright taste.

Unfortunately, there are not many brands supplying this miracle grain to the world. Naturally, this affects the cost of mixtures containing Maragogype. And yet, its extraordinary taste, richly fragrant bouquet - do not leave indifferent. Perhaps in the near future this will lead to the mass distribution of the Maragogype variety not only in Europe, but also in Europe.


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