Coffee lovers who have children sooner or later begin to wonder: can a child drink this refreshing and fragrant drink, how does it affect the children's body? Of course, adults are responsible for their own health, but children do not have this luxury and their parents or guardians are responsible for their well-being.
In the article we will talk about how to properly drink coffee for children and whether it is possible to drink it. You will also learn how the drink affects the well-being and condition of babies.
Effects of coffee on the body
Any food (including drinks) affects the physiological and chemical processes occurring in the body. And coffee is no exception to the rule.
Composition of coffee drink
To understand the effect of the product on the body, you first need to familiarize yourself with its composition.
Of course, the main ingredient in the world's most popular beverage is caffeine. It is this substance that gives the body energy and a charge of vitality.
It is also known that coffee beans contain components such as sucrose, vegetable protein and fiber. It is noteworthy that the plant fibers in coffee contain 10 times more than caffeine. Cereals also have the presence of organic tannins. By the way, aromatic grains have 3 times more tannins than caffeine.
These are just a few of the main ingredients that coffee beans are rich in. After all, it is known that the product consists of more than a hundred components. To date, the effect on the human body of about half of them has been studied. This is interesting: the caffeine content in the classic Arabica drink ranges from 0.7-2-5%. If we talk about Robusta, the "dose" of caffeine in it varies from 1.5 to 3 percent.
It wouldn't hurt to remind readers that when coffee beans are roasted, the caffeine content increases by 10-20%. That is, the duration of the heat treatment has a direct effect on the content of the caffeine component in the finished product.
How does caffeine affect the body?
You should know that this item:
It suppresses drowsiness and relaxation. Therefore, the concentration and reaction rate increase.
When drinking a coffee beverage, adrenaline production is stimulated. This hormone makes a person feel alert and energetic. Thanks to this effect, the functioning of all systems and organs, including the brain, improves.
Caffeine provides glucose to the blood. The second substance is also known to provide a person with a surge of strength and give him a charge of vitality.
By the way, many people note that their mood rises automatically after a cup of coffee. For such a pleasant "side" effect, the production of a hormone such as dopamine (under the influence of caffeine) is responsible.
With such a large number of positive impressions and influences, a person can provide his body with a glass of refreshing and fragrant drink. For the most part, #coffee drink is not harmful to human health. For people suffering from high blood pressure, caution should be exercised in its use.
As a rule, it consists of one "dose" of your favorite drink. It is important to understand that caffeine in small doses is not dangerous, and even vice versa: it gives a person an excellent tonic effect, stimulates the work of all internal organs and body systems. But with excessive use of a caffeine-containing beverage, the results may not be the best.
Between them:
sleep problems;
Changeable mood and increased irritability (due to instability of the nervous system);
Body dehydration. This is especially true for people who consume large amounts of coffee and tea and forget about the existence of water. It is very important to drink at least one and a half liters of purified water a day while drinking coffee.
You also need to add coffee dependencies. Without a cup of coffee in the morning, a person does not become himself, draws attention to apathy and is in a bad mood.
Caution: Adults are advised not to drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee per day. It is this “dose” that doctors consider safe for health. With this amount of beverage consumed, an adult need not worry about the possible consequences of devotion and love to coffee.
Coffee for a child's body
All of what has been said above applies only to coffee consumption by adults. However, the situation is different for children.
At what age are children allowed to drink coffee?
Let's examine the main categories of children:
The youngest (children under 5 years old) should not drink coffee. Drinking diets should consist of fortified fruit drinks, herbal teas. If the child does not have allergies, you can offer him a healthier and safer alternative for the body - hot cocoa.
It can be given to children over 7 years old for the occasional coffee drink. But it is better to limit yourself to once a month. At other times, offer teas or chicory that are healthy for a growing child.
The number of coffee cups consumed by a young person from the age of 12-13 can be increased to 2-3 per month. The load on the child during this period is quite high, so the excessive effect of caffeine on the nervous system will not benefit the child at all. It is recommended that a child use mint tea, medicinal plant-based drinks during this age period. Weak tea with lemon and sugar will also be useful. And on school days and in the winter season, the young It is recommended to add rosehip infusion to the n drinking diet. Since it is rich in vitamin C, it will provide great benefits to the body's immune system.
Doctors tend to believe that the ideal time to introduce coffee into a child's diet is between the ages of 14 and 15. At this time, the body has adapted somewhat to the changes in puberty, the nervous system has strengthened. If the child does not have a heart problem, you can let him drink a cup of coffee 2-3 times a week.
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