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50 Coffee Facts You Have Never Heard Of

1. Coffee beans are actually fruits.

#Coffee beans refer to one or two seeds in the pit of a red or purple coffee cherry with a thick and bitter skin, sweet fruit with a grape-like texture, and a slimy protective layer. The two-seeded ones have a flat side that is not found in the one-seeded fruit known as the peaberry. Coffee is incorrectly perceived as a bean because of its appearance similar to typical beans.

2. Finland is the biggest coffee lover in the world.

According to the International Coffee Association, annual coffee consumption per Finn is 12 kilograms, making Finland the world's largest coffee-loving country. Although it is not recommended, some citizens are known to drink up to 30 cups of coffee a day. This widespread use of lightly roasted coffee in homes and businesses is attributed to the cold climate where the temperature can drop to minus 40 degrees Celsius.

3. Coffee can fuel your car in a short time.

Coffee connoisseurs who think that Cappuccino is a vital fuel that quickly turns a foggy mind into a fiery mind can now look forward to Car-puccino; a car fueled by coffee. Scientists have successfully turned ground coffee into biodiesel, so one day coffee could be fueling your car. The process involves soaking the natural oils extracted from coffee grounds in an organic solvent via trans-esterification to convert them into biofuels. The longest journey ever recorded by Guinness World Records was made by a 1988 Volkswagen Scirocco in March 2010. Going 209 mph, the car uses 56 espressos per mile to reach a top speed of 60 mph. hourly.

4. Initially, coffee was consumed as food.

It wasn't until 1000 AD that coffee became the stimulant beverage we know today, although it was made with its beans and stem. Previously, it was an energy-rich protein bite for ancient tribes in East Africa, who mixed the ground fruit with animal fat into a nutritious snack. The Galla tribe in Ethiopia still makes these chewy "energy balls" with softened coffee cherries and animal fat.

5. Coffee reduces the risk of a number of diseases.

Experts have found that drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of death from all causes of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke. The American Heart Association also reports that regular consumption reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease, while the American Cancer Society notes that more recent studies have linked coffee consumption to a reduced risk of liver, mouth, throat, and prostate cancers.

6. As a result, there are 2.25 billion cups of java consumed daily.

The daily global consumption of coffee is estimated to be 2.25 billion cups of coffee. Statistics from the latest research conducted by The National Coffee Association show that the average daily intake of American coffee drinkers is about 3 cups. The coffee trade association also reports that 63% of American adults drink coffee daily, with the share of gourmet coffee consumed increased from 51% in 2018 to 61% this year, according to findings from the 2020 National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT).

7. If you want your coffee to stay hot longer, add cream.

Creamy coffee cools 20% slower than dark coffee for three reasons: 1) Dark colors absorb and radiate heat faster than lighter colors. 2) The Stefan-Boltzmann law says warmer things release heat faster, so adding cream will lower the temperature of your coffee and slow down cooling. 3) Creamer increases the viscosity of the coffee and then reduces heat loss through evaporation.

8. Lethal dose of coffee is about 70-100 cups.

Between 70 and 100 cups of coffee can be lethal, depending on your body weight, but such cases are rare. A South Carolina teen died in 2017 after drinking an arrhythmia-inducing cafe latte, Mountain Dew, and energy drink. The few deaths reported to be related to coffee involve high doses of caffeine powder or tablets, mostly causing rapid and irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure. This is partly because you would have to drink a lot of coffee in a row to get close to a lethal dose, and there is a chance that nausea, vomiting or dizziness will put an end to it.

9. Black Ivory Coffee is the most expensive in the world.

Black Ivory Coffee is the most expensive and rarest strain in the world. It is produced by elephants at the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation in Northern Thailand. They then consume Arabica coffee beans extracted from their manure by mahuts. It takes 72 kilos of raw coffee berries to produce 2 kilos of this limited and luxurious coffee, which explains the high price.

10. The largest cup of iced coffee was 14,228.1 liters.

This world record was held by Caffé Bene, who created the huge 14,228.1-liter iced black Americano in South Korea on July 17, 2014. The height of the giant trophy Its spindle was 10 feet 10 inches and its width was 3 feet 4 inches.

11. The average American spends more than $1,000 a year on coffee.

A recent report by Acorns Money Matters shows that the average American spends more than $20 a week on coffee, which is roughly $1,092 a year, and nearly half of American workers admit to requesting a daily fix before going to work.

12. Worried about consuming too many calories? Do not add sugar to your coffee!

A cup of plain black coffee has only 2 calories. On the other hand, a teaspoon of sugar typically contains 16 calories. By avoiding sugar, whipped cream, and high amounts of sweeteners, you can enjoy a richly flavored invigorating beverage and benefit from the antioxidants contained in a few cups of hot coffee without accumulating calories.

13. Hot coffee helps our digestion.

Hot coffee is more acidic than cold brew coffee. The chlorogenic acid compound found in coffee triggers gastric acid secretion to speed food through the digestive tract and aid digestion, and also activates colon contractions to stimulate bowel movement.

14. The two main types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica and Robusta are the two main types of coffee grown for consumption, with the former dominating more than half of the market. Robusta has higher chlorogenic acid levels and twice the caffeine of Arabica, giving it a bitter taste that is ideal for instant coffee and espresso; Arabica has 60% more fat than Robusta and twice as much sugar to produce a smoother, sweeter taste. popular for most coffee drinks.

15. Brazil is the largest producer of coffee beans.

Brazil is the world leader in coffee production, a position it has held since 1840. With more than 10,000 miles of coffee plantations, the country produces about 30% of the total coffee produced in the world.

16. Derived from Italian «expresso» (suppressed).

Espresso is derived from the Italian word "expresso" meaning "suppressed". The word has its roots in Latin, Exprimere, but Italian has replaced such words with an X in their alphabet with an S to make "Espresso." It describes the brewing process of pressing finely ground coffee with water near its boiling point using pressure.

17. Decaffeinated coffee contains caffeine.

Decaffeinated coffee is not decaffeinated, although much less than 80 to 100 mg of caffeine in a cup of regular coffee or 30 to 50 mg of caffeine in a cup of green or black tea. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says that a similar cup of decaffeinated coffee usually contains 2 mg of caffeine, although some decaffeinated brands may have higher amounts of 15 mg. The reason decaffeinated coffee is used in the production of soft drinks is because of less caffeine.

18. Coffee grounds are a great skin exfoliant.

The natural oils in coffee increase collagen production for younger skin, while the antioxidants in coffee that protect cells from damage make it effective at exfoliating, smoothing and tightening skin to improve the appearance of cellulite and reduce puffiness. That's why coffee has become a regular ingredient in essential oils, beauty masks and cellulite treatments.

19. Instant coffee appeared about 250 years ago.

John Dring invented the first version of this useful coffee solution in England in 1771 and was awarded a patent for the "coffee compound" by the British Government. Instant coffee is mostly available in powder form or capsules that are dried by freeze drying or spray drying to preserve natural oils, aroma and flavor for future consumption.

20. Beethoven was a coffee addict.

He notes that his biographer, Ludwig Van Beethoven, is obsessed with the number of beans he uses to brew his coffee, and would literally count coffee beans to confirm that an essential item in his diet is the 60 he needs for each cup.

21. Coffee can prolong the life of your cat.

If you want a longer lifespan for your furry friend, you might want to borrow a leaf from Jake Perry, who has rehomed hundreds of cats. Of these, 2 broke the Guinness Record for Oldest Living Cats, and a third of their pets lived to be at least 25 years old. Secret? Coffee and wine for cats to accompany their daily meals. Perry's vet believes that diuretic coffee strengthens a cat's normally weak kidneys.

22. Coffee was first discovered by a goat herder.

I'm not mad at you. Kaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder, noticed that his goats were bleating excitedly after eating the strange red berries, and then decided to eat them himself. When he discovered how uplifting the stimulant fruit felt, he introduced it to monks who used it to stay awake for prayers and then spread the news.

23. Cappuccino resembles the clothes of Cappuccino priests It is called by this name because of its

Cappuccino coffee derives its name from the color of the robes worn by Franciscan monks in Italy, also known as Capuchin monks, as their robes resemble the color of this coffee blend of espresso and frothed milk.

24. Kopi Luwak, one of the most expensive varieties, is produced from partially digested coffee beans.

Before Black Ivory Coffee came into existence, cat-like civets drank on the world's most expensive coffee known as Kopi Luwak. Civets eat coffee cherries, which are flavored by the fermentation process during digestion, before defecating the partially digested seeds for collection and cleaning by the farmers.

25. Dark roast does not mean more caffeine.

Dark roast is lighter than light roast but has larger coffee beans because prolonged heat expands them. If you compare the two in terms of coffee measurement, if you use a scoop when weighing your coffee, light coffee produces more #caffeine in your drink, resulting in a higher caffeine content than dark roasted coffee. Ultimately, the caffeine level will depend on your measurement -- scoop or scale -- and the type of coffee bean.

26. Coffee came to America in the 17th century.

Although the first coffeehouse in America opened in Boston in 1689, coffee finally began to be in demand in 1773 after the British government enacted laws to levy taxes on tea and other exports to the Americas, which led to many protesting colonists finally losing their tea shipments. Liberation and the en masse transition from tea to coffee during the Boston Tea Party.

27. Coffee was the first food to be freeze-dried.

To deal with excess coffee in Brazil, Nestle in 1938 paved the way for freeze-dried coffee to preserve nutrients and flavor while preserving other types of perishable food such as meat, dairy milk and vegetables. They also introduced Nescafe instant coffee in Switzerland.

28. To get the most out of your coffee, drink it between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.

Cortisol hormone levels rise as soon as you wake up, drop after 3 hours, and peak after a while. Coffee and cortisol at the same time. Night owls and those who wake up earlier than 5 am should adjust their coffee consumption accordingly 3 hours after waking up.

29. The second most recognized fragrance in America.

Coffee, peanut butter and roses are the three most recognizable scents in America.

30. It is not recommended to drink coffee during pregnancy.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends keeping your daily coffee intake below 200 mg of caffeine while pregnant or breastfeeding. Caffeine is a stimulant that raises your heart rate and blood pressure and can affect a baby's sleep habits after it crosses the placenta, because the baby may not yet be equipped to process high levels of caffeine. Caffeine has also been associated with low birth weight.

31. September 29 is National Coffee Day in America.

September 29 is National Coffee Day in America and is the best day to enjoy a free #Frappuccino or subsidized specialty coffee blend at most restaurants and cafes.

32. In Turkey, they call their coffee houses the “School of the Smart”.

After 1475, coffee drinkers gathered to watch performances and share information, news updates, and encouraging conversations while enjoying the caffeinated beverage. This led to the mushroom-growing coffeehouses being called "Schools of the Wise".

33. It takes 3-4 years for a coffee tree to mature.

Coffee takes about 3 to 4 years from the time the seed is planted to when the cherries are ripe for harvest. The ripening time varies with certain types of coffee. It grows best in a humid climate in the shade to protect it from sun and strong wind.

34. Only Hawaii and California grow coffee in the USA.

Hawaii and California are the only states in the US that grow coffee due to the black, volcanic soil and tops of avocado trees, and the majority of America's imported coffee comes from South America.

35. It is the second most popular beverage in the world.

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage worldwide after tea, and its use is bound to increase with recent research finding its vital role in boosting our immune system as well as reducing our risks for various diseases.

36. Coffeehouses have been abandoned by governments for a long time.

Given the number of people gathered at coffee businesses to socially interact and debate and debate on all sorts of issues, and the revolutions going on at the time, some governments were initially skeptical of these businesses and actively sought to ban or limit the bosses who they were. feared rebellion and betrayal may plan.

37. The Boston Tea Party was partly scheduled at a cafe.

In 1773, the Boston Tea Party, which saw protesters throw tea crates in Boston Harbor and culminated in the American Revolution, was partly planned in a Boston coffee shop.

You could say that the fears are not completely unfounded. Protesters were fighting against their exclusion by Britain in collecting taxes on the tea they imported.

38. There are more than 1,200 chemical compounds in coffee.

We have already mentioned chlorogenic acid as one of the key compounds in coffee that aids digestion and affects the flavor of coffee. Additionally, coffee has more than 1,000 compounds that make it a complex beverage that requires optimum brewing conditions to achieve maximum flavor and aroma and to keep its oils intact.

39. More than 70% of the coffee consumed is Arabica.

Arabica coffee accounts for three-quarters of coffee consumed worldwide. It is considered the highest quality and is popular for a milder and sweeter flavor and less caffeine than Robusta.

40. Coffee is the second most traded product in the market after oil.

Coffee will not only fuel the cars of the future, but is now the world's second most traded commodity after oil, fueling many economies, fueling the growing demand for coffee in the market.

41. Adding milk to coffee was first suggested by a French doctor in the 17th century.

The practice started when a French doctor advised his patients to drink coffee with milk to soften the bitterness of coffee and reduce its acidity, and the French, who made coffee by putting ground coffee in a cloth bag and brewing it with boiled water, started this practice. They discovered café au lait, a tea bag, a beverage they embrace for breakfast and an espresso for the rest of the day, and it's a trend they stick with history.

42. George Constant Louis Washington invented the instant coffee process.

George Constant Louis Washington is credited with inventing mass production of instant coffee, a valuable battlefield prop that was labeled the "George cup" by soldiers during World War I.

43. Coffee helps fight depression.

Coffee is loaded with many antioxidants and stimulants that help fight depression, increase motivation and improve your energy levels. In this study, it was determined that coffee had a protective effect against depression in a survey conducted on 346,913 people, 8,146 of whom were depressed. Harvard researchers also found that women who took higher doses of caffeinated coffee had a lower risk of depression. They also report that up to 7 cups of coffee per day, the risk of suicide gradually decreases, but increases if consumption exceeds 7 cups of coffee.

44. Coffee is a source of antioxidants.

Coffee is an addictive beverage that has 1,200 compounds, including an abundance of antioxidants that protect our cells from free radicals and reduce the effects of oxidation; phenolic acid, an antioxidant found in colorful vegetables and fruits; aroma-producing melanoidin with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties; quinine used in the treatment of bacteria; and of course caffeine, which cures headaches, reduces depression and lowers the risk of a number of cancers, as well as increases cognition and alertness.

45. It is believed that Honoré de Balzac drank 50 cups of coffee a day.

The 19th-century French writer and playwright Honoré de Balzac reportedly drank 50 cups of coffee a day and even documented his addiction in "The Pleasures and Pains of Coffee," in which he suggested drinking two cups of coffee at a time. you have produced the best grind with the least water possible to keep working for a few more days. He noted that coffee activates the blood and activates the muscles, speeds up the digestive processes, chases sleep and gives us the capacity to use our intelligence for a little longer.

46. ​​Coffee trees can grow up to 30 feet high.

Coffee can grow to a height of more than 30 feet and live up to 100 years in an optimal environment. Both Arabica and Robusta require 60 inches of precipitation per year, but they differ in their ideal temperatures, with the former thriving at 59 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and the latter performing well in temperatures ranging from 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. While Arabica is high maintenance and produces relatively few coffee fruits per harvest, Robusta is easier to grow because it can withstand warmer temperatures, is resistant to parasites and diseases, and yields more coffee.

47. Only red coffee berries contain coffee beans.

Red is the most common color in most mature coffee cherries grown today, although cherries at picking maturity turn from green to red or yellow depending on the coffee variety. A red coffee berry indicates that the coffee bean is fully developed and ready for harvest.

48. Coffee can increase the effectiveness of most drugs.

Coffee increases the effectiveness of drugs such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen to relieve headaches; Antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals to reduce the oxidative effects on cells, strengthen our immune system.

enemas that prepare the colon for colonoscopy and endoscopy, and slow the progression of Hepatitis C, among others. It has also been linked to a reduced risk of various types of diseases that prevent the development of these diseases as a side effect of medications you can take for other diseases.

49. The first webcam was installed at Cambridge University to monitor whether the coffee jug is full.

The first webcam was introduced at Cambridge University in 1991 by Dr. Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Dr. It was founded by Paul Jardetzky so employees could keep tabs on a coffee pot from their desks. A camera was connected to the networked computers in the Computer lab to provide live viewing of the shared jug and conveniently monitor the coffee supply. Two years later, Daniel Gordon and Martyn Johnson hooked up this camera to the internet and the pitcher can now be viewed online by millions of people, making it a defining aspect of the early web.

50. Italian baristas average 45 years old.

With age comes experience. This explains why Italian baristas, aged 45 on average and trained for the job for 2 to 3 years, excelled and boldly promoted some of the specialty #coffee blends we enjoy today, particularly their enviable espresso. Italians take their espresso seriously, literally and figuratively.


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